CIP Constructions commences handover as ESR Australia’s Speculative Facility achieves Practical Completion (PC).

CIP Constructions have officially begun handover duties at SPEC 1-3, ESR Sherbrooke Industrial Estate, with PC being achieved on 24th September. This three-tenancy facility is built to accommodate tenants with a variety of purposes, including a flexible design plan that allows for the quick construction of inter-tenancy walls and an additional office.

Some key features of this project include:

– A huge 20m cantilevered awning
– 11,000m2 of warehouse space
– alpolic angles to the exterior

CIP were awarded the build contract for the facility which sits on the Sherbrooke Road Industrial Estate. The facility has excellent connectivity to the Brisbane Markets at Rocklea, the Acacia Ridge Intermodal, Archerfield Airport, and the South – Western Industrial Precincts. The site also sits near to other recent CIP builds, Suez and Nolan’s Transport.

Since commencing works on site back in 2020, CIP has worked with roughly 30 subcontractors to complete the project by its September PC date. With CIP delivering on time despite inclement weather and covid-19 disruption in Queensland.

John Keane, Construction Manager Queensland states:
‘The team have worked incredibly hard to deliver another facility on time and in budget. I couldn’t be prouder of the hard work each person has put in. Their efforts are evident with the great result for both CIP and client ESR Australia. Special thanks to Jason, Luke, Alex and Craig who went above and beyond to deliver.”

This project, which achieved PC on September 24th was part of CIP’s ‘PC Friday’ a concerted company wide effort which delivered 3 completed builds on the same day, just hours apart. You can read more about the other two builds here and here.
